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PHP's array_slice vs Python's splitting arrays





Some background

I was having a go at the common "MaxProfit" programming challenge. It basically goes like this:

Given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers containing daily prices of a stock share for a period of N consecutive days, returns the maximum possible profit from one transaction during this period.

I was quite pleased with this PHP algorithm I came up, having avoided the naive brute-force attempt:

public function maxProfit($prices)
    $maxProfit = 0;
    $key = 0;
    $n = count($prices);

    while ($key < $n - 1) {
        $buyPrice = $prices[$key];
        $maxFuturePrice = max( array_slice($prices, $key+1) );          
        $profit = $maxFuturePrice - $buyPrice;
        if ($profit > $maxProfit) $maxProfit = $profit;
    return $maxProfit;

However, having tested my solution it seems to perform badly performance-wise, perhaps even in O(n2) time.

I did a bit of reading around the subject and discovered a very similar python solution. Python has some quite handy array abilities which allow splitting an array with a a[s : e] syntax, unlike in PHP where I used the array_slice function. I decided this must be the bottleneck so I did some tests:


PHP array_slice()

$n = 10000;    
$a = range(0,$n);

$start = microtime(1);
foreach ($a as $key => $elem) {
    $subArray = array_slice($a, $key);
$end = microtime(1);

echo sprintf("Time taken: %sms", round(1000 * ($end - $start), 4)) . PHP_EOL;


$ php phpSlice.php
Time taken: 4473.9199ms
Time taken: 4474.633ms
Time taken: 4499.434ms

Python a[s : e]

import time

n = 10000
a = range(0, n)

start = time.time()
for key, elem in enumerate(a):
    subArray = a[key : ]
end = time.time()

print "Time taken: {0}ms".format(round(1000 * (end - start), 4))


$ python pySlice.py 
Time taken: 213.202ms
Time taken: 212.198ms
Time taken: 215.7381ms
Time taken: 213.8121ms


  1. Why is PHP's array_slice() around 20x less efficient than Python?
  2. Is there an equivalently efficient method in PHP that achieves the above and thus hopefully makes my maxProfit algorithm run in O(N) time? Edit I realise my implementation above is not actually O(N), but my question still stands regarding the efficiency of slicing arrays.
like image 287
harryg Avatar asked May 29 '15 12:05


People also ask

How to break down array in PHP?

PHP: Split an array into chunksThe array_chunk() function is used to split an array into arrays with size elements. The last chunk may contain less than size elements. Specifies the array to split. If we set preserve_keys as TRUE, array_chunk function preserves the original array keys.

What are the parameters required in Array_slice?

Parameters: This function can take four parameters and are described below: $array (mandatory): This parameter refers to the original array, we want to slice. $start_point (mandatory): This parameter refers to the starting position of the array from where the slicing need to be performed.

What does array_ slice do in PHP?

The array_slice() function returns selected parts of an array. Note: If the array have string keys, the returned array will always preserve the keys (See example 4).

What is array slicing in Python?

Slicing arrays Slicing in python means taking elements from one given index to another given index. We pass slice instead of index like this: [start:end] . We can also define the step, like this: [start:end:step] .

1 Answers

  1. I don't really know, but PHP's arrays are messed up hybrid monsters, maybe that's why. Python's lists are really just lists, not at the same time dictionaries, so they might be simpler/faster because of that.
  2. Yes, do an actual O(n) solution. Your solution isn't just slow because PHP's slicing is apparently slow, it's slow because you obviously have an O(n^2) algorithm. Just walk over the array once, keep track of the minimum price found so far, and check it with the current price. Not something like max over half the array in every single loop iteration.
like image 139
Stefan Pochmann Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10

Stefan Pochmann