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PHP/regex: How to get the string value of HTML tag?





I need help on regex or preg_match because I am not that experienced yet with regards to those so here is my problem.

I need to get the value "get me" but I think my function has an error. The number of html tags are dynamic. It can contain many nested html tag like a bold tag. Also, the "get me" value is dynamic.

<?php function getTextBetweenTags($string, $tagname) {     $pattern = "/<$tagname>(.*?)<\/$tagname>/";     preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);     return $matches[1]; }  $str = '<textformat leading="2"><p align="left"><font size="10">get me</font></p></textformat>'; $txt = getTextBetweenTags($str, "font"); echo $txt; ?> 
like image 411
marknt15 Avatar asked May 06 '09 09:05


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The strcmp() function compares two strings. Note: The strcmp() function is binary-safe and case-sensitive. Tip: This function is similar to the strncmp() function, with the difference that you can specify the number of characters from each string to be used in the comparison with strncmp().

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Matching a string In PHP, you can use the preg_match() function to test whether a regular expression matches a specific string. Note that this function stops after the first match, so this is best suited for testing a regular expression more than extracting data.

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The preg_match() function returns whether a match was found in a string.

2 Answers

<?php function getTextBetweenTags($string, $tagname) {     $pattern = "/<$tagname ?.*>(.*)<\/$tagname>/";     preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);     return $matches[1]; }  $str = '<textformat leading="2"><p align="left"><font size="10">get me</font></p></textformat>'; $txt = getTextBetweenTags($str, "font"); echo $txt; ?> 

That should do the trick

like image 167
takete.dk Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09


Try this

$str = '<option value="123">abc</option>         <option value="123">aabbcc</option>';  preg_match_all("#<option.*?>([^<]+)</option>#", $str, $foo);  print_r($foo[1]); 
like image 24
pkwebmarket Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
