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PHP with MySQL 8.0+ error: The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [duplicate]

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How to fix the server requested authentication method unknown to the client?

If the authentication plugin type is not changed already it will throw an error message like “The server requested authentication method unknown to the client”. Solution : In order to fix this issue, you need to change the MySQL authentication plugin type. For this, you have to log in to the MySQL prompt first.

How do I fix Sqlstate hy000 2054 the server requested authentication method unknown to the client?

To solve this issue, do either one of the following: 1) Update your existing Matomo DB user and set the appropriate authentication type by executing the following SQL query: UPDATE `mysql`.

What is Mysql_native_password?

The mysql_native_password authentication plugin is the default authentication plugin that will be used for an account created when no authentication plugin is explicitly mentioned and old_passwords=0 is set.

@mohammed, this is usually attributed to the authentication plugin that your mysql database is using.

By default and for some reason, mysql 8 default plugin is auth_socket. Applications will most times expect to log in to your database using a password.

If you have not yet already changed your mysql default authentication plugin, you can do so by:
1. Log in as root to mysql
2. Run this sql command:

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password
BY 'password';  

Replace 'password' with your root password. In case your application does not log in to your database with the root user, replace the 'root' user in the above command with the user that your application uses.

Digital ocean expounds some more on this here Installing Mysql

You have to change MySQL settings. Edit my.cnf file and put this setting in mysqld section:

default_authentication_plugin= mysql_native_password

Then run following command:


Above command will bring into effect the changes of default authentication mechanism.

I've tried a lot of ways, but only this works for me

thanks for workaround

check your .env


then type this command

$ docker-compose exec mysql bash
$ mysql -u root -p 

(login as root)

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
ALTER USER 'default'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'secret';

then go to phpmyadmin and login as :

  • host -> mysql
  • user -> root
  • password -> root

hope it help

None of the answers here worked for me. What I had to do is:

  1. Re-run the installer.
  2. Select the quick action 're-configure' next to product 'MySQL Server'
  3. Go through the options till you reach Authentication Method and select 'Use Legacy Authentication Method'

After that it works fine.

Faced the same problem, I was not able to run wordpress docker container with mysql version 8 as its default authentication mechanism is caching_sha2_password instead of mysql_native_password.

In order to fix this problem we must reset default authentication mechanism to mysql_native_password.

Find my.cnf file in your mysql installation, usually on a linux machine it is at the following location - /etc/mysql

Edit my.cnf file and add following line just under heading [mysqld]

default_authentication_plugin= mysql_native_password

Save the file then log into mysql command line using root user


I'm using Laravel Lumen to build a small application.
For me it was because I didn't had the DB_USERNAME defined in my .env file.


Setting this solved my problem.