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PHP $this variable

I am reading some PHP code that I could not understand:

class foo {   function select($p1, $dbh=null) {     if ( is_null($dbh) )         $dbh = $this->dbh ;      return;    }    function get() {     return $this->dbh;    } } 

I can't find $this->dbh ($dbh) declaration from the class. My questions are:

  • What is the value of $this->dbh ?

  • Is it a local variable for function select()?

  • Does $this belong class foo's data member? Why is there no declaration for $dbh in this class?

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wordpressquestion Avatar asked Mar 31 '11 01:03


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1 Answers

PHP is not strict for declaration. $this->dbh is a class member. I did the following code to understand the concept:

class foo {   function foo(){      $this->dbh = "initial value";   }   function select($p1, $dbh=null) {     if ( is_null($dbh) )         $dbh = $this->dbh ;      return;   }   function get() {      return $this->dbh;   }  } 

It is same as:

class foo {   var $dbh = "initial value";     function select($p1, $dbh=null) {     if ( is_null($dbh) )        $dbh = $this->dbh ;      return;    }    function get() {      return $this->dbh;    }  } 
like image 133
wordpressquestion Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
