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php sum variable in while loop

I have to "sum" variable's values in while, here us my example :

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
  $price= $row['price'] * $row['order_q'];

The code above will output if I put echo $price; for example:

19 15 20 13 10

I want something like : sum($price) or array_sum($price) to count all the results of while loop. So, that i want to count: 19+15+20+13+10 = 77

How can I do it with php?


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user1358069 Avatar asked Apr 26 '12 08:04


People also ask

How do you sum a while loop in PHP?

$total = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $price= $row['price'] * $row['order_q']; $total += $price; } echo 'total: ', $total; Or - if all you want from the query is the total - you can do it "within" the sql query.

How do you sum a variable in a for loop?

if you want the total sum of your $value inside the loop, you must first calculate it, before entering the loop: $sum = array_sum(array_column($group, 'column_key')); where 'column_key' is the index of the array $group containing the values you want to sum.

2 Answers

Simply initialize a variable outside your loop for example:

$total_price = 0;

and increment this number inside your loop:

$total_price += $row['price'] * $row['order_q'];
like image 127
Salman A Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Salman A


$total = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
  $price= $row['price'] * $row['order_q'];
  $total += $price;
echo 'total: ', $total;

Or - if all you want from the query is the total - you can do it "within" the sql query.

SELECT Sum(price*order_q) as total FROM ...
like image 21
VolkerK Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
