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php string matching with wildcard *?

I want to give the possibility to match string with wildcard *.


$mystring = 'dir/folder1/file'; $pattern = 'dir/*/file';  stringMatchWithWildcard($mystring,$pattern);  //> Returns true 

Example 2:

$mystring = 'string bl#abla;y'; $pattern = 'string*y';   stringMatchWithWildcard($mystring,$pattern);  //> Returns true 

I thought something like:

function stringMatch($source,$pattern) {     $pattern = preg_quote($pattern,'/');             $pattern = str_replace( '\*' , '.*?', $pattern);   //> This is the important replace     return (bool)preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/i' , $source ); } 

Basically replacing * to .*? (considering in *nix environment * matches empty string) ©vbence

Any improvments/suggests?

// Added return (bool) because preg_match returns int

like image 842
dynamic Avatar asked May 28 '11 17:05


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1 Answers

There is no need for preg_match here. PHP has a wildcard comparison function, specifically made for such cases:


And fnmatch('dir/*/file', 'dir/folder1/file') would likely already work for you. But beware that the * wildcard would likewise add further slashes, like preg_match would.

like image 58
mario Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
