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PHP - strange syntax errors with brackets inside Class array

I have a simple code like so :

        class o99_custom_fields {
            * @var  string  $prefix  The prefix for storing custom fields in the postmeta table
            var $prefix = 'o99_';
            * @var  array  $customFields  Defines the custom fields available
            var $customFields = array(

                    "name"          => "some_name",
                    "title"         => "some Title",
                    "description"   => "Some Desctiption Text",
                    "type"          => "k_upload",
                    "scope"         =>  array( "post" ),
                    "capability"    => "edit_post"

                    "name"          => "some_name2",
                    "title"         => "some Title",
                    "description"   => "Some Desctiption Text",
                    "type"          => "k_upload",
                    "scope"         =>  array( "post" ),
                    "capability"    => "edit_post"

                    "name"          => "some_name3",
                    "title"         => "some Title",
                    "description"   => "",
                    "type"          => "k_textarea",
                    "scope"         =>  array( "post" ),
                    "capability"    => "edit_post"
... more functions and more code ...
    } // End Class

And everything seems ok,

The problem begins when I am trying to change some array values , and put them inside Brackets ()

for example :

                "name"          => "some_name",
                "title"         => __("some Title","text_domain"),// ERROR OCCUR
                "description"   => "Some Desctiption Text",
                "type"          => "k_upload",
                "scope"         =>  array( "post" ),
                "capability"    => "edit_post"

The Error message is :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')' in E:\my_path\myfile.php on line 18

Note that it is not related to the function __() ( standard wordpress translation function ) and the error is not function related , but SYNTAX. ( I have used this function hundreds of times in the past , without any problems - and in this case , also _x() and _e() fail on the same syntax errors .. )

All my brackets are closed , I have checked and re checked , and Unless I am totally blind , I would say that it is ok , but I still getting this error , no matter where I put the brackets inside this class .

Another example : this will also fail with the same error :

class o99_custom_fields {
                * @var  string  $prefix  The prefix for storing custom fields in the postmeta table
                var $prefix = 'o99_';
                * @var  array  $customFields  Defines the custom fields available
                var $dummy_strings = array (

    ... more functions and more code ...
        } // End Class

Again, the error appears to be SYNTAX related , even though all my brackets are closed . I have also checked the file for proper php opening and closing tags , and even charset and encoding ( UTF-8 without BOM )

I have never encountered such a problem before - so any help / hint / insight would be greatly appreciated ..


After those arrays, comes the constructors ..

* PHP 4 Compatible Constructor
function o99_custom_fields() { $this->__construct(); }
* PHP 5 Constructor

function __construct() {
    add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this, 'createCustomFields' ) );
    add_action( 'save_post', array( &$this, 'saveCustomFields' ) );
like image 456
Obmerk Kronen Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 18:12

Obmerk Kronen

1 Answers

The problem you're encountering is because you can't initialize class properties by calling other functions.

Initializing a property to a default value like this:

class SomeClass{
private $myProp0 = array(); //OK
private $myProp1 = array('foo' => 'bar', 'foooo' => 'baaar'); //OK
private $myProp2 = null; //OK
private $myProp3 = 10; //OK
private $myProp4 = "something"; //OK
private $myProp5 = __('translate me') // NOT OK

To initialize your property with some other value (e.g. by calling some other function) you must set it in the constructor of your class.

Something like this should work:

function someFunction($x, $y){
    return "mouahahaha";

class SomeClass{
    private $something = array();

    public function __construct(){
        $this->something = array(
            'somekey1' => 'foobar',
            'somekey2' => someFunction("foo", "bar"),

In other words , You need to move your array initialization from the class body to a constructor.

Putting that example to your own code :

class o99_custom_fields {
        * @var  string  $prefix  The prefix for storing custom fields in the postmeta table
        var $prefix = 'o99_';
        * @var  array  $customFields  Defines the custom fields available
         private $customFields = array();
        * PHP 4 Compatible Constructor
        function o99_custom_fields() { $this->__construct(); }
        * PHP 5 Constructor

        public function __construct() {

         $this->customFields =  array(

            "name"          => "some_name",
            "title"         => __("some Title","text_domain"),// NO ERROR NOW
            "description"   => "Some Desctiption Text",
            "type"          => "k_upload",
            "scope"         =>  array( "post" ),
            "capability"    => "edit_post"
       // Do your other construct things 
     } // END __construct
like image 150
Christian P Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 10:12

Christian P