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PHP SoapClient request: not a valid method for this service


Okay, I think I need another pair of eyes to look over this. I'm making a simple php soapclient call to an echo web service on a remote server. I'm pretty sure I don't have any typos and that the function call is correct. However, I'm receiving a fatal error claiming the function isn't a valid method. Below is a var_dump of the web services types.

array(4) { [0]=> string(88) "struct EspException { string Code; string Audience; string Source; string Message; }" [1]=> string(71) "struct ArrayOfEspException { string Source; EspException Exception; }" [2]=> string(43) "struct EchoTestRequest { string ValueIn; }" [3]=> string(45) "struct EchoTestResponse { string ValueOut; }" }

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] Function ("EchoTestRequest") is not a valid method for this service in /home/grafixst/public_html/cpaapp/echo_test.php:38 Stack trace: #0 /home/grafixst/public_html/cpaapp/echo_test.php(38): SoapClient->__call('EchoTestRequest', Array) #1 /home/grafixst/public_html/cpaapp/echo_test.php(38): SoapClientAuth->EchoTestRequest(Array) #2 {main} thrown in /home/grafixst/public_html/cpaapp/drew/echo_test.php on line 38

Here is the code I'm using to make the call:

require_once('SoapClientAuth.php');  ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");  #- Loading the WSDL document $server = "https://wsonline.seisint.com/WsAccurint/EchoTest?ver_=1.65"; $wsdl = $server . "&wsdl";       $client = new SoapClientAuth($wsdl,                 array(                       'login' => $username,                       'password' => $password                      ));     $types = $client->__getTypes();  var_dump($types);  echo "</br>";  $req = $client->EchoTestRequest(array('ValueIn' => 'echo'));  print $req->ValueOut; echo "</br>"; 
like image 992
dsell002 Avatar asked May 30 '12 13:05


1 Answers

A simple request for the web service's available functions solved the problem.

$functions = $client->__getFunctions (); var_dump ($functions); 

EchoTestRequest was not a valid function call. The proper function call was EchoTest, which is illustrated by the functions variable dump.

array(1) { [0]=> string(54) "EchoTestResponse EchoTest(EchoTestRequest $parameters)" }  
like image 119
dsell002 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
