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PHP: set variable to infinity



I am wondering if I can set a variable to infinity, and if not what the best way to achieve my problem is. Take my function below:

public function seekValue($value, $column = null, $limit = null) {
  $results = array();
  while (!feof($this->_pointer)) {
      $data = explode($this->_config->delimiter(), fgets($this->_pointer, 1024));
      if(!is_null($column)) {
          if ($data[$this->_config->columns($column, "string")->index()] == $value)
              array_push($results, $this->formatRow($data));
      } else {
          if (in_array($value, $data))
              array_push($results, $this->formatRow($data));
  switch (count($results)) {
      case 0;
          return false;
      case 1;
          return $results[0];
          return $results;

I set $limit = null in the function parameter list, however I later want to use $limit in my while loop like so while (!feof($this->_pointer) && count($results) < $limit) incase the user decides to pass an integer to it.

If this was the case I could do this:

if (!is_int($limit)) {
  $limit = infinity;

To say that if $limit is not set run infinite times.

I hope this makes sense.

like image 999
George Reith Avatar asked Dec 12 '11 16:12

George Reith

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1 Answers

Just to answer the original question:

Yes you can set a variable to infinity by assigning INF

$x = INF;
var_dump($x > 10000); // bool(true)
var_dump($x - 100); // float(INF)
like image 89
edorian Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
