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PHP Session data not being saved




I have one of those "I swear I didn't touch the server" situations. I honestly didn't touch any of the php scripts. The problem I am having is that php data is not being saved across different pages or page refreshes. I know a new session is being created correctly because I can set a session variable (e.g. $_SESSION['foo'] = "foo" and print it back out on the same page just fine. But when I try to use that same variable on another page it is not set! Is there any php functions or information I can use on my hosts server to see what is going on?

Here is an example script that does not work on my hosts' server as of right now:

<?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['views']))     $_SESSION['views'] = $_SESSION['views']+ 1; else     $_SESSION['views'] = 1;  echo "views = ". $_SESSION['views']; echo '<p><a href="page1.php">Refresh</a></p>'; ?> 

The 'views' variable never gets incremented after doing a page refresh. I'm thinking this is a problem on their side, but I wanted to make sure I'm not a complete idiot first.

Here is the phpinfo() for my hosts' server (PHP Version 4.4.7): alt text

like image 890
Crackerjack Avatar asked Oct 01 '08 01:10


People also ask

How can save session data in PHP?

To use session variables, it's necessary to start the session by using the session_start function, this will allow you to store your data in the global variable $_SESSION in a productive way. <? php session_start(); ?>

Where does PHP store session data?

PHP Session Start By default, session data is stored in the server's /tmp directory in files that are named sess_ followed by a unique alphanumeric string (the session identifier). By itself, the session_start() function doesn't add much functionality to a web page.

Where is session data saved?

The session data that you read and write using $_SESSION is stored on server side, usually in text files in a temporary directory.

How long does PHP retain session variables by default?

By default, session variables last until the user closes the browser. So; Session variables hold information about one single user, and are available to all pages in one application. Tip: If you need a permanent storage, you may want to store the data in a database.

1 Answers

Thanks for all the helpful info. It turns out that my host changed servers and started using a different session save path other than /var/php_sessions which didn't exist anymore. A solution would have been to declare ini_set(' session.save_path','SOME WRITABLE PATH'); in all my script files but that would have been a pain. I talked with the host and they explicitly set the session path to a real path that did exist. Hope this helps anyone having session path troubles.

like image 69
Crackerjack Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
