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I printed $_SERVER, and I found out that $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] vs $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] both have same values. What's the difference between the two?

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evilReiko Avatar asked Jun 26 '11 12:06


People also ask

What is $_ SERVER Request_uri?

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] contains the URI of the current page. So if the full path of a page is https://www.w3resource.com/html/html-tutorials.php, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] would contain /html/html-tutorials. php.

Is $_ SERVER [' Request_uri '] safe?

In cases where you do need it, the answer is that yes, REQUEST_URI is safe.

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1 Answers

REQUEST_URI is the requested URI path and query as used in the HTTP request line. REDIRECT_URL is created by Apache when an internal redirect happens:

REDIRECT_ environment variables are created from the environment variables which existed prior to the redirect. They are renamed with a REDIRECT_ prefix, i.e., HTTP_USER_AGENT becomes REDIRECT_HTTP_USER_AGENT.

REDIRECT_URL, REDIRECT_STATUS, and REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING are guaranteed to be set, and the other headers will be set only if they existed prior to the error condition.

Note that REDIRECT_URL does only contain the URI path.

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Gumbo Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09
