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PHP security: store connection details in constants or private properties?

I was wondering if it's better to store connection variables as constants (because they can't be changed) or as private properties (because they can't be viewed). My apologies to all those who reel in horror at my lack of security nous...

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sunwukung Avatar asked Oct 21 '09 10:10


1 Answers

My thoughts are that it really doesn't matter (from a security point of view). If someone has your code, then you are equally screwed either way. If someone doesn't have your code, then it doesn't matter because they can't execute it without the code for it to be an issue (if you have remote code execution vulnerabilities, you have larger issues than your connection strings).

From a design point of view, I'd probably use a private constant.

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Matthew Scharley Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 02:11

Matthew Scharley