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php - reset/clear an object?


What I'm trying to do is use a temporary object to store values and then reset it back to empty without having to uset($tmpObject); ?

Here is some example code:

class Object {     function ResetObject(){         // code to remove all variables in an object here?     } }  $tmpObject = new Object();  foreach ($myArray as $arr){     $tmpObject->val1 = "string1";     $tmpObject->val2 = "string2";     $tmpObject->val3 = "string3";     $tmpObject->val4 = "string4";            $template->set('tmpObject',$tmpObject);     $tmpObject->ResetObject(); } 

Anyone have any ideas?

like image 216
Joe Avatar asked Oct 02 '10 09:10


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The reset() function sets the internal pointer of an array to its first element. It returns the value of the first array element. It returns FALSE if the array is empty.

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1 Answers

class Object {     function ResetObject() {         foreach ($this as $key => $value) {             unset($this->$key);         }     } } 

See: Object iteration

like image 68
NikiC Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10
