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php replace all occurances of key from array in string




maybe this is duplicate but i did't find good solution.

I have array

$list = Array
   [hi] => 0
   [man] => 1
$string="hi man, how are you? man is here. hi again."

It should produce $final_string = "0 1, how are you? 1 is here. 0 again."

How can I achieve it with smart way? Many thanks.

like image 900
peter Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 16:11


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1 Answers

Off of the top of my head:

$find       = array_keys($list);
$replace    = array_values($list);
$new_string = str_ireplace($find, $replace, $string);
like image 106
John Conde Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10

John Conde