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PHP remove specific item from array [duplicate]




I have an array like : [312, 401, 1599, 3]

With array_diff( [312, 401, 1599, 3], [401] ) I can remove a value, in my example I removed the value 401.

But if I have this : [312, 401, 401, 401, 1599, 3], how can remove just one time the value 401 ?

It is not important if I remove the first or last value, I just need to remove ONE 401 value, and if I want to remove all 401 values, I have to remove three times.

Thanks !

like image 718
Clément Andraud Avatar asked Apr 09 '16 13:04

Clément Andraud

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3 Answers

With array_search you can get the first matching key of the given value, then you can delete it with unset.

if (false !== $key = array_search(401, $array)) {
like image 70
Federkun Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10


Search specific key and remove it:

if (($key = array_search(401, $array)) !== false) {

Man PHP:



like image 27
Lifka Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10


With array_intersect you can retrieve all matching keys at once, which allows you to decide which specific one of them to remove with unset.

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Guido Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10
