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PHP Red to Green RGB Color Heatmap





I can't seem to get this figured out. I have a scaled set of values (0...1) that I need to associate colors with. The highest (1) being red and the lowest (0) being green.

I cannot seem to find how to get an RGB color between red and green for a value that is between 0 and 1.

Here is my scaling function I am going to use to scale the values:

function scale_value($value, $srcmin, $srcmax, $destmin = 0, $destmax = 1)
    # How Far In Source Range Are We
    $pos = (($value - $srcmin) / ($srcmax - $srcmin));
    return ($pos * ($destmax - $destmin)) + $destmin;

I figured scaling them from 0 to 1 will make the next part I am struggling with much easier.

Here is one very crummy attempt at doing this I came up with, failed pretty badly.

function make_color($value)
    $red = $value > 0.5
       ? (1 - 2 * ($value - 0.5) / 1)
       : 1;
    $green = $value > 0.5
        ? 1
        : 2 * ($value / 1);
    $blue = 0;
    return "rgb($red,$green,$blue)";

Does anyone have any experience using PHP to determine the color to use for a value that falls between 1 and 0?

like image 680
Matthew Brown Avatar asked Mar 07 '16 15:03

Matthew Brown

2 Answers

Found a solution, converting the JS implemented solution posted here to PHP and reversing the Red to Green polarity so Red was high, Green was low.

It looks like this:

 * @param $value
 * @param integer|float $min
 * @param integer|float $max
 * @return string
function make_color($value, $min = 0, $max = .5)
    $ratio = $value;
    if ($min > 0 || $max < 1) {
        if ($value < $min) {
            $ratio = 1;
        } else if ($value > $max) {
            $ratio = 0;
        } else {
            $range = $min - $max;
            $ratio = ($value - $max) / $range;

    $hue = ($ratio * 1.2) / 3.60;
    $rgb = hsl_to_rgb($hue, 1, .5);

    $r = round($rgb['r'], 0);
    $g = round($rgb['g'], 0);
    $b = round($rgb['b'], 0);

    return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";

This also relies on an HSL to RGB translator, which I found on this post. This ends up giving me a pretty nice result:

Red to green heatmap using PHP

Thanks for the help.

like image 113
Matthew Brown Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Matthew Brown

Thanks to Matthew Brown for the link to his source. And the link inside that one with a JSFiddle that worked in Javascript. But Matthew's version contained a function that failed in my PHP, so I converted the JSFiddle, including all functions, and the result is:

    li {
    display: block;
    float: left;
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    margin: 2px;
hr {
    clear: both;

function hslToRgb($h, $s, $l){
#    var r, g, b;
    if($s == 0){
        $r = $g = $b = $l; // achromatic
        if($l < 0.5){
            $q =$l * (1 + $s);
        } else {
            $q =$l + $s - $l * $s;
        $p = 2 * $l - $q;
        $r = hue2rgb($p, $q, $h + 1/3);
        $g = hue2rgb($p, $q, $h);
        $b = hue2rgb($p, $q, $h - 1/3);
    $return=array(floor($r * 255), floor($g * 255), floor($b * 255));
    return $return;

function hue2rgb($p, $q, $t){
    if($t < 0) { $t++; }
    if($t > 1) { $t--; }
    if($t < 1/6) { return $p + ($q - $p) * 6 * $t; }
    if($t < 1/2) { return $q; }
    if($t < 2/3) { return $p + ($q - $p) * (2/3 - $t) * 6; }
    return $p;
 * Convert a number to a color using hsl, with range definition.
 * Example: if min/max are 0/1, and i is 0.75, the color is closer to green.
 * Example: if min/max are 0.5/1, and i is 0.75, the color is in the middle between red and green.
 * @param i (floating point, range 0 to 1)
 * param min (floating point, range 0 to 1, all i at and below this is red)
 * param max (floating point, range 0 to 1, all i at and above this is green)
function numberToColorHsl($i, $min, $max) {
    $ratio = $i;
    if ($min> 0 || $max < 1) {
        if ($i < $min) {
            $ratio = 0;
        } elseif ($i > $max) {
            $ratio = 1;
        } else {
            $range = $max - $min;
            $ratio = ($i-$min) / $range;
    // as the function expects a value between 0 and 1, and red = 0° and green = 120°
    // we convert the input to the appropriate hue value
    $hue = $ratio * 1.2 / 3.60;
    //if (minMaxFactor!=1) hue /= minMaxFactor;

    // we convert hsl to rgb (saturation 100%, lightness 50%)
    $rgb = hslToRgb($hue, 1, .5);
    // we format to css value and return
    return 'rgb('.$rgb[0].','.$rgb[1].','.$rgb[2].')'; 

// build the color sample lists
for ($i=0; $i<=100; $i++) {
    $list1.='<li style="background-color:'. numberToColorHsl($i/100, 0, 1) .'">'.$i."</li>\n";
    $list2.='<li style="background-color:'. numberToColorHsl($i/100, 0.5, 1). '">'.$i."</li>\n";
    $list3.='<li style="background-color:'. numberToColorHsl($i/100, 0, 0.6).'">' . $i . "</li>\n";
    $list4.='<li style="background-color:'. numberToColorHsl($i/100, 0.3, 0.8).'">' . $i . "</li>\n";
echo "<br><hr>\n\n"; ?>
full range
<ul id='list-1'></ul>
    <?PHP echo $list1; ?>
all below 0.5 is bad
<ul id='list-2'></ul>
<?PHP echo $list2; ?>
all above 0.6 is ok
<ul id='list-3'></ul>
<?PHP echo $list3; ?>
all below 0.3 is red, all above 0.8 is green
<ul id='list-4'></ul>
<?PHP echo $list4; 

PHP Red to Green through Yellow four examples with different ceilings and floors

like image 20
TheSatinKnight Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
