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PHP: Outputting the system / Shell_exec command output in web browser




I tried to output a simple ping command on a web page in a similar way( and same time) as it is displaying in terminal, using shell_exec; But it is displaying only after the complete execution, while I needed it to display whenever it is displaying on terminal,

My code is

$i= shell_exec("ping -c 4 google.com");
echo "<pre> $i <pre>";

It is waiting for a while and the dumping the whole thing on a single shot.. can PHP recognize the outputting of each line and display it on the web page

I tried this also

    $proc = popen("ping -c 4 google.com", 'r');
    echo '<pre>';
    while (!feof($proc)) {
        echo fread($proc, 4096);
    echo '</pre>';

But still I gets the same result..

When I tried to execute this PHP code in terminal , ( php test.php) it is working properly in the same way it gives when we directly do ping on server. but in web page it is still the same.

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user2723949 Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 16:11


People also ask

What is shell_exec function in PHP?

The shell_exec() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to execute the commands via shell and return the complete output as a string. The shell_exec is an alias for the backtick operator, for those used to *nix. If the command fails return NULL and the values are not reliable for error checking.

Can PHP run shell command?

The PHP functions to execute shell command are: shell_exec(), exec() or system(). These functions are remarkably similar but have slight differences.

How do I run a PHP script in Linux?

You can execute linux commands within a php script - all you have to do is put the command line in brackits (`). And also concentrate on exec() , this and shell_exec() ..

What is shell exec?

The exec command is a powerful tool for manipulating file-descriptors (FD), creating output and error logging within scripts with a minimal change. In Linux, by default, file descriptor 0 is stdin (the standard input), 1 is stdout (the standard output), and 2 is stderr (the standard error).

2 Answers

Uhm, strange behavior from the web browser. I'm using this code:

ini_set("output_buffering", "0");

function pingtest()
    $proc = popen("ping -c 5 google.com", 'r');
    while (!feof($proc))
        echo "[".date("i:s")."] ".fread($proc, 4096);

<!DOCTYPE html>
Immediate output: 

In the browser the content appears after all bytes has been received. But, the content is actually delivered on time, do this test:

wget -O - -q "http://localhost/ping.php"

You will see that the response is delivered by php & apache2 on time.

I'm using this kind of execution on long task for a while, but using a more complex solution:

  • an html file for interface
  • a php file that run the long task
  • Connect html interface with php long execution using EventSource object (available on html5)

interface (test.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Simple EventSource example</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function eventsourcetest() {
        var ta = document.getElementById('output');
        var source = new EventSource('test.php');
        source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
            if (e.data !== '') {
               ta.value += e.data + '\n';
        }, false);
        source.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
        }, false);
    <p>Output:<br/><textarea id="output" style="width: 80%; height: 25em;"></textarea></p>
    <p><button type="button" onclick="eventsourcetest();">ping google.com</button>

Server Side Component (test.php)

ini_set("output_buffering", "0");
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');

function echoEvent($datatext) {
    echo "data: ".implode("\ndata: ", explode("\n", $datatext))."\n\n";

$proc = popen("ping -c 5 google.com", 'r');
while (!feof($proc)) {
    echoEvent(fread($proc, 4096));

Put both files in one place on a webserver and enter test.html, I think this is what you are looking for from the beginning.

like image 163
Carlos C Soto Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Carlos C Soto

Use output buffering and flush. You might also want to look into the Symfony 2 process component.

like image 26
max Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10
