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PHP oci_connect() stuck / no time-out

We are using a Lumen 5.2.x (Laravel) application to get data from a Oracle Database. For that reason we use oci_connect() to connect to the database. (Extra info: we use Oracle instantclient)

For a reason unknown, the application was not responsive and wouldn't return any data. After lots of hours debugging we found out that it got stuck in that very same method: oci_connect(). Apparently the function did not return a 'time-out'-message or anything similar.

Later, it seemed the database moved to another host, which is the reason it couldn't connect. However, we expected a error, instead of a huge amount of waiting.

This is the reason we are trying to force a time-out to be set, until now this has not worked out.

Things we have tried:

  • Adding this to the connection string: (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=10)(RETRY_COUNT=3) which is completely ignored.

  • Setting max_execution_time and set_time_limit to 1

  • Adding a sqlnet.ora with settings:


Everything we have tried failed, does anyone know how to work around this bug? Any help is appreciated!

Edit: System info: Windows Server 2012 R2, IIS 8, PHP 5.6

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AuStrike Avatar asked Apr 06 '18 14:04


2 Answers

below is laravel package used for oracle, you can try this,

laravel package for oracle

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M Usman Nadeem Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

M Usman Nadeem

I copied the oracle array from oracle.php to the database.php config file and the issue has gone away.

Contents of my oracle.php file:

return [
'oracle' => [
    'driver'   => 'oracle',
    'tns'      => env('DB_TNS', ''),
    'host'     => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
    'port'     => env('DB_PORT', '1521'),
    'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', ''),
    'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', ''),
    'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
    'charset'  => env('DB_CHARSET', 'AL32UTF8'),
    'prefix'   => env('DB_PREFIX', ''),
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Elizbeth Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10
