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php object : get value of attribute by computed name

How do I access an attribute of an object by name, if I compute the name at runtime?

For instance. I loop over keys and want to get each value of the attributes "field_" . $key.

In python there is getattribute(myobject, attrname).

It works, of course, with eval("$val=$myobject->".$myattr.";"); but IMO this is ugly - is there a cleaner way to do it?

like image 896
groovehunter Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 09:03


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The most practical approach is simply to cast the object you are interested in back into an array, which will allow you to access the properties: $a = array('123' => '123', '123foo' => '123foo'); $o = (object)$a; $a = (array)$o; echo $o->{'123'}; // error!

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To display only the keys from an object, use array_keys() in PHP.

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Within class methods non-static properties may be accessed by using -> (Object Operator): $this->property (where property is the name of the property). Static properties are accessed by using the :: (Double Colon): self::$property .

What is an object PHP?

Definition and Usage In PHP, Object is a compound data type (along with arrays). Values of more than one types can be stored together in a single variable. Object is an instance of either a built-in or user defined class. In addition to properties, class defines functionality associated with data.

2 Answers

Keep always in mind that a very powerful feature of PHP is its Variable Variables

You can use

$attr = 'field' . $key;

or more concisely, using curl brackets

like image 137
Nicolò Martini Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

Nicolò Martini

like image 35
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams