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PHP oAuth removes the location from the received headers

My use case: Trying to issue a PUT request to move a post from a group's general discussions to job discussions.

To issue that request you need a typical ugly piece of LinkedIn XML along with the post id in the URL.

The problem is that the post id is only present as part of the received location header, which is obtained from the POST request(not at the response body).

Any solution except using packet sniffing?

This OPEN bug from 2011, describes the same issue.

LinkedIn forum question

like image 424
Oleg Belousov Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 12:11

Oleg Belousov

1 Answers

Since you're using PECL oAuth library, try using the OAuth::disableRedirects function.

like image 143
mynetx Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
