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php mysql Group By to get latest record, not first record




The Table:

(`post_id`, `forum_id`, `topic_id`, `post_time`) 
(79, 8, 4, '2012-11-19 06:58:08');
(80, 3, 3, '2012-11-19 06:58:42'),
(81, 9, 9, '2012-11-19 06:59:04'),
(82, 11, 6, '2012-11-19 16:05:39'),
(83, 9, 9, '2012-11-19 16:07:46'),
(84, 9, 11, '2012-11-19 16:09:33'),

The Query:

SELECT  post_id, forum_id, topic_id FROM posts 
GROUP BY topic_id 
ORDER BY post_time DESC

The Results:

[0] => [post_id] => 84 [forum_id] => 9 [topic_id] => 11  
[1] => [post_id] => 82 [forum_id] => 11 [topic_id] => 6  
[2] => [post_id] => 81 [forum_id] => 9 [topic_id] => 9  
[3] => [post_id] => 80 [forum_id] => 3 [topic_id] => 3  
[4] => [post_id] => 79 [forum_id] => 8 [topic_id] => 4

The Problem:

How to rewrite the query so that it returns post_id -> 83 instead of post_id -> 81 ?

They both have the same forum and topic ids, but post_id -> 81 has an older date than post_id -> 83.

But it seems that Group By gets the 'first' record and not the 'newest' one.

I tried changing the query to

SELECT  post_id, forum_id, topic_id, MAX(post_time)

but that returns both post_id 81 and 83

like image 299
shanebp Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 18:11


2 Answers

If you select attributes that are not used in the group clause, and are not aggregates, the result is unspecified. I.e you don't know which rows the other attributes are selected from. (The sql standard does not allow such queries, but MySQL is more relaxed).

The query should then be written e.g. as

SELECT post_id, forum_id, topic_id
FROM posts p
WHERE post_time =
  (SELECT max(post_time) FROM posts p2
   WHERE p2.topic_id = p.topic_id
   AND p2.forum_id = p.forum_id)
GROUP BY forum_id, topic_id, post_id
ORDER BY post_time DESC


SELECT post_id, forum_id, topic_id FROM posts
(SELECT forum_id, topic_id, max(post_time) AS post_time
 FROM posts
 GROUP BY forum_id, topic_id) p
ORDER BY post_time
like image 53
Terje D. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Terje D.

It's not very beautiful , but it works:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT  post_id, forum_id, topic_id FROM posts
ORDER BY post_time DESC) as temp
GROUP BY topic_id
like image 25
Alvar FinSoft Soome Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Alvar FinSoft Soome