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PHP MySQL $_GET Hack prevention [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Best way to stop SQL Injection in PHP

If I were to use the $_GET function to retrieve a variable from the URL how can I make it hack proof? Right now I just have addSlashes, what else should I add?

$variable1 = addslashes($_GET['variable1']);
like image 626
Albert Renshaw Avatar asked Dec 30 '11 20:12

Albert Renshaw

1 Answers

The first and foremost rule with ANY input, not just $_GET but even with $_POST, $_FILES and anything you read from disk or from a stream you should always VALIDATE.

Now to answer your question in more details, you have several HACKS that exist in this world. Let me show you some:

XSS injections

If you accept data from the URL such as from the $_GET and output this data without stripping out possible tags, you might render your site prone to XSS injection or code injection. For example:


This would output a hack to your site and people would be redirected to another page. This page could be a phishing attempt to steal credentials

SQL Injection

It is possible to inject SQL to your application. For example:

http://myhoturl.com/?search=%'; UPDATE users SET password=MD5('hello'); SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%

Would make your SQL look like this:

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE title LIKE '%%'; UPDATE users SET password=MD5('hello'); SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%%';

And thus you'd update all your user's password to Hello and then return something that doesn't match.

This is only a brief overview of what you can do with SQL injection. To protect yourself, use mysql_real_escape_string or PDO or any good DB abstraction layer.

Code injection

Lots of people like to include data from somewhere on the disk and allow uploads of files. For example:

//File igotuploaded.txt
<?php echo 'helloworld'; ?>

And the url allows you to INCLUDE a file by name. ?show=myhotfile.txt

//In this file we include myhotfile.txt

The person changes that to ?show=../uploads/igotuploaded.txt and you will run echo 'Hello world';

That is dangerous.

rule of thumb... NEVER TRUST USER INPUT, always validate, prevent, validate, fix, validate and again correct...

Good luck

like image 199
Mathieu Dumoulin Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Mathieu Dumoulin