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Php mysql create database if not exists




I want to create a database. Why is not the db created with this code?

$dbname = 'regulations_db';
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","pass");
    if (!$con)
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '". $dbname ."'"))) {
        echo "Database $dbname already exists.";
    else {
        mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE '". $dbname ."'",$con);
        echo "Database $dbname created.";

This is working, but I think the first one is the best practice:

if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS regulations_db",$con))
        echo "Database created";
        echo "Error creating database: " . mysql_error();
like image 654
erdomester Avatar asked Jan 30 '12 18:01


People also ask

How create database if not exists in MySQL?

We can create a new database in MySQL by using the CREATE DATABASE statement with the below syntax: CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] database_name. [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name];

What is the difference between create schema and create database?

CREATE DATABASE creates a database with the given name. To use this statement, you need the CREATE privilege for the database. CREATE SCHEMA is a synonym for CREATE DATABASE . An error occurs if the database exists and you did not specify IF NOT EXISTS .

How can we create a database using PHP and MySQL?

The basic steps to create MySQL database using PHP are: Establish a connection to MySQL server from your PHP script as described in this article. If the connection is successful, write a SQL query to create a database and store it in a string variable. Execute the query.

2 Answers

Just do a simple mysql_select_db() and if the result is false then proceed with the creation.

As an example, check out the first answer here by another very smart StackOverflower.

// Connect to MySQL
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');
if (!$link) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

// Make my_db the current database
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('my_db', $link);

if (!$db_selected) {
  // If we couldn't, then it either doesn't exist, or we can't see it.
  $sql = 'CREATE DATABASE my_db';

  if (mysql_query($sql, $link)) {
      echo "Database my_db created successfully\n";
  } else {
      echo 'Error creating database: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";

like image 185
buley Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 03:09


Three steps to fix this:

  1. Don’t specify the database name when connecting.
  2. Your SQL statement should be CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS php1.
  3. Call mysqli_select_db($link, 'php1') to make that the default database for your connection.
like image 37
Anyone Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
