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PHP mail function not working on Centos server

I am using centos Server and have to send the mail to the user so i copied running code of mine from one server and used it in here, but it is not sending mails.

Code is :

                $to = $email; //writing mail to the user
                $subject = "Hii";
                $message = "<table>
                <tr><td> Hello ".$email.",</td></tr>
                <tr><td> Some Text </td></tr>
                <tr><td> Some Text </td></tr>
                <tr><td> Some Text </td></tr>
                <tr><td> Some Text </td></tr>
                </table>" ;
                $from = "[email protected]";
                // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
                    $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
                // Additional headers
                $headers .= 'From: Team <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";

                    echo "0";// mail sent Successfully.
                    echo "1";

It always print 1. Same code running fine on other project. Please guide me what i can do to enable it here too? Any help will be highly appreciated!

like image 872
Astha Avatar asked Dec 01 '11 12:12


People also ask

Why is PHP not sending email?

It could be, for example, because you're missing necessary parameters, have typos in your recipient's email address, or need to set up an SMTP relay. Out of all the possible options as to why your PHP mail() isn't sending email, we found that most issues stem from Postfix being configured incorrectly.

How do I fix PHP email?

If it's still not working: change the sender ($sender) to a local email (use the same email as used for recipient). Upload the modified php file and retry. Contact your provider if it still does not work. Tell your provider that the standard php "mail()" function returns TRUE, but not mail will be sent.

Does PHP mail function work on localhost?

If the web application is built with PHP, the mail() function is used to send email from the script using PHP. But the PHP mail() function will not work in localhost.

1 Answers

After installing sendmail* and running the following commands:

[root@sendmail ~]# yum install sendmail*
[root@sendmail mail]# yum install dovecot
[root@sendmail mail]# cd /etc/mail/
[root@sendmail mail]# vi local-host-names
# local-host-names - include all aliases for your machine here.
[root@sendmail mail]# vi /etc/dovecot.conf
protocols = imap pop3 //uncomment
[root@sendmail mail]# m4 sendmail.mc > sendmail.cf
[root@sendmail mail]# make
[root@sendmail mail]# /etc/init.d/sendmail start
[root@sendmail mail]# /etc/init.d/saslauthd start
[root@sendmail mail]# /etc/init.d/dovecot start
[root@sendmail mail]# chkconfig sendmail on
[root@sendmail mail]# chkconfig dovecot on
[root@sendmail mail]# chkconfig saslauthd on

I still had the same issue. I checked my /var/log/maillog and saw an error:

My unqualified host name (domain) unknown; sleeping for retry

After more searching, I changed /etc/hosts from:     localhost localhost.localdomain domain
ip.ip.ip.ip  domain localhost 

to:   localhost.localdomain localhost domain
 ip.ip.ip.ip  localhost domain  

and now the mail function is now working fine.

like image 156
Astha Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
