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php isset() equivalent in javascript



I'm looking for the javascript equivalent of the php function isset(). I've tried the method described here at JavaScript isset() equivalent but at firebug, error comes up saying

data.del is undefined                          //Firebug warning/error
 if(typeof data.del[0].node != 'undefined') { // codes in my js file

And in some cases

data is null                                  //Firebug warning/error
  if(typeof data.storyLine != 'undefined') { // codes in my js file

The logic seems to work but I'm wondering why is there an error then??

Basically, I want to check whether data.del[0].node or data.storyLine isset or not??

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ptamzz Avatar asked Mar 25 '11 19:03


People also ask

What is the equivalent of isset in JavaScript?

PHP provides a function isset that determines if a variable is set; this means if a variable is declared and assigned a value other than null. When a variable is assigned to null, isset() will return false. In JavaScript, we need to determine whether a variable is set or not.

What can I use instead of isset in PHP?

The equivalent of isset($var) for a function return value is func() === null . isset basically does a !== null comparison, without throwing an error if the tested variable does not exist.

How do you check if a variable is defined in JavaScript?

Use the typeof operator to check if a variable is defined or initialized, e.g. if (typeof a !== 'undefined') {} . If the the typeof operator doesn't return a string of "undefined" , then the variable is defined.

What is isset ($_ GET in PHP?

The isset() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which checks whether a variable is set and is not NULL. This function also checks if a declared variable, array or array key has null value, if it does, isset() returns false, it returns true in all other possible cases.

2 Answers

isset() makes two checks: first if the variable is defined, and second if it is null.

You will have to check for both the 'undefined' case and the null case, for example:

if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== null)
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Bobby D Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Bobby D

ECMAScript defines the hasOwnProperty method for checking if an object has a property of a given name:

var foo = {'bar':'bar'}

alert( foo.hasOwnProperty( 'bar' ) ); //true
alert( foo.hasOwnProperty( 'baz' ) ); //false

EDIT: This doesn't fully answer your question

It's possible for a property to be set as undefined

foo.bar = undefined;

alert( foo.hasOwnProperty( 'bar' ) ); //still true

The important question is: What do you need your truth table to be?

In php:

type  | isset() | == true
null  | false   | false
false | true    | false
true  | true    | true
""    | true    | false
"a"   | true    | true
0     | true    | false
1     | true    | true

In JS:

type      | isset() | truthy
NaN       | ?       | false
undefined | ?       | false
null      | false   | false
true      | true    | true
false     | true    | false
""        | true    | false
"a"       | true    | true
0         | true    | false
1         | true    | true
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zzzzBov Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
