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PHP interface problem - class not found




Hi I have a very simple class that implements an interface. Both the class and the interface are in the same file.

When I implement the interface I get a fatal error "Class not found", but when I remove the implements and then try to use the class I can use it fine???

Can anyone offer any advice on this?

Sorry here is some code that I am using to test at the moment:

$tester = new TypeOneTester();

interface iTestInterface
    public function test($data);

class TypeOneTester implements iTestInterface
    public function test($data)
        return $data;
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David Avatar asked Sep 13 '10 22:09


4 Answers

Create an instance of your class after the class and the interface are defined, not before.

The order of definition in this case should be:

  1. Interface
  2. Class
  3. Instance of Class (objects)
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Jacob Relkin Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11

Jacob Relkin

This is a (very poorly) documented limitation:


In some cases classes must be declared before use. It only happens if some of the new features of PHP 5 (such as interfaces) are used. Otherwise the behaviour is the old.

I've filed a bug report nonetheless. IMO it should be fixed as it's inconsistent behaviour and the error message is not helpful for anyone who assumes as I did that PHP simply didn't care where you declare functions/classes. Come on, it's been there for over 10 years now...


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Mikkel Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 07:11


smells like a bug in php. Make sure it's reproducible with the latest version and post to bugs.php.net.

Reproduce code

interface I {}

$a = new A;
$b = new B;

class A {
    function __construct() { echo 'A'; }

class B implements I {
    function __construct() { echo 'B'; }




Fatal error: Class 'B' not found...
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user187291 Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 06:11


That is because, php loading interface, and instantiate class class class object where there is a certain order and must be in a Php file, if the file is not in accordance with an order of 1. Require_one interface, 2. Require_one class

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qiyulin Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 07:11
