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PHP: How to get Sunday and Saturday given a date input?

How can I get the Sunday and Saturday of the week given a specific date?

For example:

input: Monday, September 28, 2009

output should be:

Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:00 AM - Saturday, October 3, 2009 11:59 PM

I am thinking of using the date, strtotime, mktime and time php functions.

If you have a usable function then it is also fine with me.

Thanks in advance :)

Cheers, Mark

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marknt15 Avatar asked Sep 28 '09 04:09


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Use strtotime() function to get the first day of week using PHP. This function returns the default time variable timestamp and then use date() function to convert timestamp date into understandable date. strtotime() Function: The strtotime() function returns the result in timestamp by parsing the time string.

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Sample Solution: PHP Code: <? php $dt='2011-01-04'; $dt1 = strtotime($dt); $dt2 = date("l", $dt1); $dt3 = strtolower($dt2); if(($dt3 == "saturday" )|| ($dt3 == "sunday")) { echo $dt3.

1 Answers

You use strtotime() and date():

$s = 'Monday, September 28, 2009';
$time = strtotime($s);
$start = strtotime('last sunday, 12pm', $time);
$end = strtotime('next saturday, 11:59am', $time);
$format = 'l, F j, Y g:i A';
$start_day = date($format, $start);
$end_day = date($format, $end);
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo "Input: $s\nOutput: $start_day - $end_day";


Input: Monday, September 28, 2009
Output: Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:00 PM - Saturday, October 3, 2009 11:59 AM
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cletus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
