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PHP: How to get characters of string one by one




$str = "8560841836";
$mystr = array($str);
$string = strlen($str);
for($i=0; $i<=$string; $i++){   echo $string[$i]."\n";  }

This code print this string in one line but I want it to be print in one char in line and other so on...

like image 868
user2727842 Avatar asked May 01 '14 10:05


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The substr() function used to cut a part of a string from a string, starting at a specified position. The input string. Refers to the position of the string to start cutting. A positive number : Start at the specified position in the string.

What is substr () in PHP and how it is used?

The substr() is a built-in function of PHP, which is used to extract a part of a string. The substr() function returns a part of a string specified by the start and length parameter. PHP 4 and above versions support this function.

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The substr() and strpos() function is used to remove portion of string after certain character. strpos() function: This function is used to find the first occurrence position of a string inside another string. Function returns an integer value of position of first occurrence of string.

1 Answers

From the PHP documentation:

Characters within strings may be accessed and modified by specifying the zero-based offset of the desired character after the string using square array brackets, as in $str[42]. Think of a string as an array of characters for this purpose. The functions substr() and substr_replace() can be used when you want to extract or replace more than 1 character.

Note: Strings may also be accessed using braces, as in $str{42}, for the same purpose.

Warning Internally, PHP strings are byte arrays. As a result, accessing or modifying a string using array brackets is not multi-byte safe, and should only be done with strings that are in a single-byte encoding such as ISO-8859-1.


// Get the first character of a string
$str = 'This is a test.';
$first = $str[0]; // 't'

// Get the third character of a string
$third = $str[2]; // 'i'

// Get the last character of a string.
$str = 'This is still a test.';
$last = $str[strlen($str)-1];  // '.'

// Modify the last character of a string
$str = 'Look at the sea';
$str[strlen($str)-1] = 'e'; // 'Look at the see'

So in your case, it is very easy:

$str = '8560841836';
$len = strlen($str);

for($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) // < and not <=, cause the index starts at 0!
    echo $str[$i]."\n";
like image 50
Linblow Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
