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PHP how to convert number exponential number to string?

I have a number stored in scientific notation


I've tried using float, string, int and I can't get

0201421700079085 from 2.01421700079E+14

1. echo (float)$awb;
2. echo number_format($awb, 0, '', '');
3. echo (int)$awb;
4. echo (string)$awb;
  1. 2.01421700079E+14 = float
  2. 201421700079085 = number
  3. 201421700079085 = int
  4. 2.01421700079E+14 = string
like image 874
Ikhsan Mahendri Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 07:03

Ikhsan Mahendri

2 Answers

printf and friends will do this:

$awb = 2.01421700079E+14;
$str = sprintf("%d", $awb);


string(15) "201421700079000"

There obviously isn't enough information in your original number to get any more precision than that.

like image 64
miken32 Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 14:03


Try this:

like image 27
Umer iqbal Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 13:03

Umer iqbal