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PHP: How to compare a time string with date('H:i')?

I have time saved in database like 7:30pm as a varchar field. I want to check if this time is greater than time right now or not.

I converted the DB time string into '19:30' and now I want to do something like this:

$my_time = '19:30';

if($my_time  > date('H:i'))
    do something ...

The problem is the above will return always true if $my_time is non-empty string.

doing strtotime($my_time) is not helping either.

strtotime('H:i',$my_time) makes it 00:00 .

doing (int)date('H:i') will give 1700 when the actual time is 17:09, so removing colon and then comparing will not work too ....

Changing database time data is out of question in this context.

plz help. Correct me if I stated some facts wrong.

like image 690
sri_wb Avatar asked May 08 '12 11:05


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1 Answers

You can use this:

$myTime = '19:30';
if (date('H:i') == date('H:i', strtotime($myTime))) {
    // do something
like image 173
Wouter J Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11

Wouter J