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PHP Function with Optional Parameters

People also ask

What is optional parameter in PHP?

Arguments that do not stop the function from working even though there is nothing passed to it are known as optional arguments. Arguments whose presence is completely optional, their value will be taken by the program if provided.

Which function declares an optional parameter?

To declare optional function parameters in JavaScript, there are two approaches: Using the Logical OR operator ('||'): In this approach, the optional parameter is Logically ORed with the default value within the body of the function.

Are function parameters are optional?

Optional parameters are great for simplifying code, and hiding advanced but not-often-used functionality. If majority of the time you are calling a function using the same values for some parameters, you should try making those parameters optional to avoid repetition.

What I have done in this case is pass an array, where the key is the parameter name, and the value is the value.

$optional = array(
  "param" => $param1,
  "param2" => $param2

function func($required, $requiredTwo, $optional) {
  if(isset($optional["param2"])) {

Make the function take one parameter: an array. Pass in the actual parameters as values in the array.

Edit: the link in Pekka's comment just about sums it up.

To accomplish what you want, use an array Like Rabbot said (though this can become a pain to document/maintain if used excessively). Or just use the traditional optional args.

//My function with tons of optional params
function my_func($req_a, $req_b, $opt_a = NULL, $opt_b = NULL, $opt_c = NULL)
  //Do stuff
my_func('Hi', 'World', null, null, 'Red');

However, I usually find that when I start writing a function/method with that many arguments - more often than not it is a code smell, and can be re-factored/abstracted into something much cleaner.

//Specialization of my_func - assuming my_func itself cannot be refactored
function my_color_func($reg_a, $reg_b, $opt = 'Red')
  return my_func($reg_a, $reg_b, null, null, $opt);
my_color_func('Hi', 'World');
my_color_func('Hello', 'Universe', 'Green');

You can just set the default value to null.

function functionName($value, $value2 = null) {
// do stuff

In PHP 5.6 and later, argument lists may include the ... token to denote that the function accepts a variable number of arguments. The arguments will be passed into the given variable as an array; for example:

Example Using ... to access variable arguments

function sum(...$numbers) {
    $acc = 0;
    foreach ($numbers as $n) {
        $acc += $n;
    return $acc;

echo sum(1, 2, 3, 4);

The above example will output:


Variable-length argument lists PHP Documentation