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PHP function to get the subdomain of a URL




People also ask

How can I get domain link in PHP?

In order to get the domain name from a URL, you can use the parse_url() method and host parameter. Note: The parse_url() method functions by parsing a URL and returning an array of the URL components. The host parameter is used to access the hostname of the supplied URL.

How do I access subdomains?

Log in to your Just Host account. Click the Domains tab from the side-navigation to the left. Click on Subdomains from the drop-down menu that appears.

How do I point a subdomain to a specific page?

Look for the Domains section, then click the Subdomains icon. Under Modify a Subdomain, locate the domain you want to redirect, then click its Manage Redirection link on the right. In the text box, type the URL you would like visitors to be redirected to if they go to the subdomain sample1.hgexample.com. Click Save.

How can I get subdomain name in laravel?

It can be used like this: Route::group(array('domain' => '{subdomain}. project. dev'), function() { Route::get('foo', function($subdomain) { // Here I can access $subdomain }); $subdomain = Route::input('subdomain'); });

Here's a one line solution:

array_shift((explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])));

Or using your example:

array_shift((explode('.', 'en.example.com')));

EDIT: Fixed "only variables should be passed by reference" by adding double parenthesis.

EDIT 2: Starting from PHP 5.4 you can simply do:

explode('.', 'en.example.com')[0];

Uses the parse_url function.

$url = 'http://en.example.com';

$parsedUrl = parse_url($url);

$host = explode('.', $parsedUrl['host']);

$subdomain = $host[0];
echo $subdomain;

For multiple subdomains

$url = 'http://usa.en.example.com';

$parsedUrl = parse_url($url);

$host = explode('.', $parsedUrl['host']);

$subdomains = array_slice($host, 0, count($host) - 2 );

You can do this by first getting the domain name (e.g. sub.example.com => example.co.uk) and then use strstr to get the subdomains.

$testArray = array(

foreach($testArray as $k => $v)
    echo $k." => ".extract_subdomains($v)."\n";

function extract_domain($domain)
    if(preg_match("/(?P<domain>[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{1,63}\.[a-z\.]{2,6})$/i", $domain, $matches))
        return $matches['domain'];
    } else {
        return $domain;

function extract_subdomains($domain)
    $subdomains = $domain;
    $domain = extract_domain($subdomains);

    $subdomains = rtrim(strstr($subdomains, $domain, true), '.');

    return $subdomains;


0 => sub1.sub2
1 => sub1
2 =>
3 => sub1.sub2.sub3
4 => sub1.sub2.sub3
5 => sub1.sub2


  $url = 'http://user:[email protected]/path?argument=value#anchor';
  $array['host']=explode('.', $array['host']);

  echo $array['host'][0]; // returns 'en'

As the only reliable source for domain suffixes are the domain registrars, you can't find the subdomain without their knowledge. There is a list with all domain suffixes at https://publicsuffix.org. This site also links to a PHP library: https://github.com/jeremykendall/php-domain-parser.

Please find an example below. I also added the sample for en.test.co.uk which is a domain with a multi suffix (co.uk).


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$pslManager = new Pdp\PublicSuffixListManager();
$parser = new Pdp\Parser($pslManager->getList());
$host = 'http://en.example.com';
$url = $parser->parseUrl($host);

echo $url->host->subdomain;

$host = 'http://en.test.co.uk';
$url = $parser->parseUrl($host);

echo $url->host->subdomain;


    preg_match('/(?:http[s]*\:\/\/)*(.*?)\.(?=[^\/]*\..{2,5})/i', $url, $match);

Just read $match[1]

Working example

It works perfectly with this list of urls

$url = array(
    'http://www.domain.com', // www
    'http://domain.com', // --nothing--
    'https://domain.com', // --nothing--
    'www.domain.com', // www
    'domain.com', // --nothing--
    'www.domain.com/some/path', // www
    'http://sub.domain.com/domain.com', // sub
    'опубликованному.значения.ua', // опубликованному ;)
    'значения.ua', // --nothing--
    'http://sub-domain.domain.net/domain.net', // sub-domain
    'sub-domain.third-Level_DomaIN.domain.uk.co/domain.net' // sub-domain

foreach ($url as $u) {
    preg_match('/(?:http[s]*\:\/\/)*(.*?)\.(?=[^\/]*\..{2,5})/i', $u, $match);

Simplest and fastest solution.

$sSubDomain = str_replace('.example.com','',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);