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php-fpm and nginx session problems





I've been having this problem for the past week or so. I've been working on a PHP project that relies HEAVILY on Sessions. For some reason we've been having troubles with the sessions saving the past few days. Any idea why?

Here's the error:

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_mmd0ru5pl2h2h9bummcu1uu620, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0
Warning: session_start(): open(/tmp/sess_mmd0ru5pl2h2h9bummcu1uu620, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)

nginx version:

nginx version: nginx/1.0.11

PHP-FPM config:

; FPM Configuration ;

; All relative paths in this configuration file are relative to PHP's install
; prefix.

; Include one or more files. If glob(3) exists, it is used to include a bunch of
; files from a glob(3) pattern. This directive can be used everywhere in the
; file.

; Global Options ;

; Pid file
; Default Value: none
pid = /var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.pid

; Error log file
; Default Value: /var/log/php-fpm.log
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/error.log

; Log level
; Possible Values: alert, error, warning, notice, debug
; Default Value: notice
;log_level = notice

; If this number of child processes exit with SIGSEGV or SIGBUS within the time
; interval set by emergency_restart_interval then FPM will restart. A value
; of '0' means 'Off'.
; Default Value: 0
;emergency_restart_threshold = 0

; Interval of time used by emergency_restart_interval to determine when
; a graceful restart will be initiated.  This can be useful to work around
; accidental corruptions in an accelerator's shared memory.
; Available Units: s(econds), m(inutes), h(ours), or d(ays)
; Default Unit: seconds
; Default Value: 0
;emergency_restart_interval = 0

; Time limit for child processes to wait for a reaction on signals from master.
; Available units: s(econds), m(inutes), h(ours), or d(ays)
; Default Unit: seconds
; Default Value: 0
;process_control_timeout = 0

; Send FPM to background. Set to 'no' to keep FPM in foreground for debugging.
; Default Value: yes
;daemonize = yes

; Pool Definitions ;

; See /etc/php-fpm.d/*.conf


# This is the main Nginx configuration file.
# More information about the configuration options is available on
#   * the English wiki - http://wiki.nginx.org/Main
#   * the Russian documentation - http://sysoev.ru/nginx/

# Main Module - directives that cover basic functionality
#   http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpMainModule

user              nginx nginx;
worker_processes  5;

error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;
#error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log  notice;
#error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log  info;

pid        /var/run/nginx.pid;

# Events Module
#   http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpEventsModule

events {
    worker_connections  4096;

# HTTP Core Module
#   http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpCoreModule

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;

        index index.php index.html index.htm;

    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;

    #keepalive_timeout  0;
    keepalive_timeout  65;

    #gzip  on;

    # Load config files from the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory
    # The default server is in conf.d/default.conf
    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
        server {
                listen 80;
                server_name stats.smilingdevil.com;

                error_page   404   /404.php;

                root /var/www;

                access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
                error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

                location / {
                        set $page_to_view "/index.php";
                        try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrites;
                        root /var/www/;
                        index index.php;

                location @rewrites {
                        if ($uri ~* ^/([a-z0-9]+)$) {
                                set $page_to_view "/$1.php";
                                rewrite ^/([a-z]+)$ /$1.php last;

                location ~ \.php$ {
                        include /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf;
                        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www$fastcgi_script_name;
like image 911
Evan Darwin Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 23:02

Evan Darwin

People also ask

How does PHP-FPM work with NGINX?

Install PHP-FPM PHP-FPM, on the other hand, runs outside the NGINX environment by creating its own process. Therefore when a user requests a PHP page the nginx server will pass the request to PHP-FPM service using FastCGI. The installation of php-fpm in Ubuntu 18.04 depends on PHP and its version.

Does PHP work with NGINX?

After the restart, PHP is fully enabled on Nginx. To prove this, create a PHP file in Nginx's /var/www/html folder and test to ensure the page renders properly on the server. This creates the most basic PHP file outside of a “Hello World” example you could create.

How can I tell if PHP-FPM is running?

First open the php-fpm configuration file and enable the status page as shown. Inside this file, find and uncomment the variable pm. status_path = /status as shown in the screenshot. Save the changes and exit the file.

How does NGINX communicate with PHP?

NGINX web server (as reverse proxy) serves PHP applications through the FastCGI protocol (as a backend application server). NGINX employs PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager), an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation that runs in the background as a daemon, listening for CGI requests.

2 Answers

Just change the ownership of /var/lib/php/session/ to nginx from apache instead of giving a world read.

sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /var/lib/php/session/
like image 89
joe mwirigi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09

joe mwirigi

I found that my php.ini was attempting to save sessions to /var/lib/php/session rather than /tmp

So check your ini file and see where they're being saved to (or set it to somewhere else); then make sure that directory is writeable by the appropriate processes

like image 32
Chris Rutledge Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Chris Rutledge