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PHP Fatal error: Cannot use $this as parameter

I've the following PHP method which is part of the codebase which was working fine:

class HooksTest extends DrupalTestCase {
  public function testPageAlterIsLoggedIn() {
      ->andReturnUsing(function ($this) {
        return $this;
    $page = [];
    $cacheable = $this->object->pageAlter($page);

The code was passing all the CI tests before (using phpunit).

However now when I'm invoking the file via php HooksTest.php, I've got the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use $this as parameter in HooksTest.php on line 11

Fatal error: Cannot use $this as parameter in HooksTest.php on line 11

I've tested with PHP 7.1, 7.2 and same issue. I believe it was working in PHP 5.6.

How can I convert above code to have the same meaning?

Does removing $this from the function parameter should be enough?

like image 941
kenorb Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 14:12


1 Answers

Just skip $this argument, change

function ($this) {
    return $this;


function () {
    return $this;

Look at Example #5 Automatic binding of $this on Anonymous functions page:

class Test
    public function testing()
        return function() {
$object = new Test;
$function = $object->testing();
like image 84
ponury-kostek Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 09:01
