I am trying to create a feed for Google Merchant using php and DOM document.
The feed contains thousands of items, yet fails to validate because there are a tiny handful of cases(4/5 out of 6000+) where the XML is malformed, for example:
I am generating in a foreach loop
//Loop through each plant
foreach($plantList as $plantItem){
//begin item element
$item = $xml->createElement('item');
//Loop through use key as element name and value as data
foreach ($plantItem as $key => $value)
//Decode HTML characters, for example '&' becomes &
//to comply with http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_12
$decode = htmlspecialchars_decode($value);
$decode = trim($decode);
//Create the element
$tag = $xml->createElement($key);
$tag = $item->appendChild($tag);
//Write the field
$text = $xml->createTextNode($decode);
$text = $tag->appendChild($text);
$item = $channel->appendChild($item);
Here is the xml entire generation code.
Here are the 3 malformed tags:
form>10 ltr pot</form>
title>Buy Helleborus x nigercors</title>
The malformed tags pop up in different places when I make adjusments to the code. Usually its either missing '
Thanks to all those who tried to solve it. The malformed tags were put there by Chrome when it encounters an encoding problem.
See . In this case it opened the , tag encountered 'ö', then fell over and didn't close the tag.
I am also incorrectly using htmlspecialchars_decode when I should be using just htmlspecialchars as pointed out by hakre, but thats a whole different problem.
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