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PHP, detecting watermarked images?

I have a library of like 1 million images, and roughly half of these are watermarked with the same, half transparent watermark in the same spot.

Where do I begin, detecting the images with the watermarks? Is there some standard tools for this purpose?

like image 264
Kristian Rafteseth Avatar asked Mar 11 '13 13:03

Kristian Rafteseth

2 Answers

If according to your question, you just want to detect the images that are watermarked, you can use the following algorithm:

  • Extract a sample of the watermarking image Scan the watermark image
  • pixel by pixel and store the first pixels in an array. Scan each
  • image pixel by pixel and store in an array. Whenever a row matrix
  • from the image being scanned contains elements of the array in the
  • same order, it's most likely a match.

The code could be something like this:

$no_of_pixels = what_you_got;
$matched = 0;
$thumbpixels = array();
$wmark = imagecreatefrompng("watermark.png");
list($width, $height) =  getimagesize("watermark.png");
$tesimage = imagecreatefrompng("test.png");
for($h = 0; $h < $height; $h++){    
    for($w = 0; $w < $width; $w++){
        if(imagecolorsforindex($testimage, imagecolorat($testimage, $w, $h)) == $thumbpixels[0]){
            while($thumbpixels[$i++] === imagecolorsforindex($tesimage, imagecolorat($wmark, $w, $h)) && $no_of_pixels != $matched){
            if($matched == $no_of_pixels) echo "Voila, we found it!";


Just seeing your thumbnail example. If you just want to detect text, you can try tesseract-ocr or PhpOCR.

You may also consider PHPSane

like image 106
Chibueze Opata Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

Chibueze Opata

Detecting almost any feature in an image is called Object Detection. There is a widely used libray called OpenCV. It has a very simple SDK, although setting up can be a real pain. It is well supported for C/C++ and (nearly well supported for) Python. It took me arnd 3 weeks to train my own Classfier (training), first time I started using OpenCV.

But I would not really depend on this solution entirely and consider my priorities. Also, it is very hard to achieve good rate with custom classifier. Other methods are more time consuming.

like image 2
Kishor Kundan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10

Kishor Kundan