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PHP DateTime first day of next year

I wonder if there is a 'correct' way to call:

$endDate = new DateTime('first day of next year');

I know the PHP parser expects a month after of (see here), but next year seems to work sort of as intended. If the month is May, it will state April 1st of next year as $endDate.

Ofcourse we can hack around this with:

$endDate = new DateTime('first day of january');
$endDate->modify('+1 year');

But I can't imagine nobody would have fixed this 'bug' since PHP 5.3 came out 7 years ago.

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Loek Avatar asked May 12 '16 15:05


Video Answer

1 Answers

It's not quite as unambiguous as you might be looking for (are there any situations where January isn't the first month?), but this works fine back to PHP 5.2

$endDate = new DateTime('1st January Next Year');
echo $endDate->format('Y-m-d'); // 2017-01-01


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iainn Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
