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In PHP, you can use PHP file stream functions, like file_get_contents() to handle HTTP requests, but to handle complex HTTP communications, cURL is obviously better and more flexible. I've been using cURL for years and it never fails me.

Recently, I tried to test the PECL_HTTP extension, and found that it's even simpler and works great on most HTTP requests, at least at first. However, I still have doubts about the PECL_HTTP extension.

So, is PECL_HTTP as powerful and flexible as cURL? Especially for different kinds of complex HTTP communications? Although PECL_HTTP can shorten your code and make it easier to handle most "regular" HTTP requests, what about more complex HTTP requests?

Here are some disadvantages of PECL_HTTP compared to cURL which I already know:

  1. cURL comes with most PHP and Linux distributions, while the PECL_HTTP extension requires an additional installation.
  2. cURL uses the same coding interface for different languages, while PECL_HTTP version 2 is not even compatible with version 1. A totally different API interface is employed in PECL_HTTP version 2.

Besides simpler and shorter code, is there any other advantage of PECL_HTTP over cURL?