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I'm looking a PHP function that can read a CSV file and perform a vlookup on column 1 to echo the relating value on the same row in column 2.

For example, if the CSV contains:


I would like to lookup against a Name and echo the email value.

Something like:

$name = "Name to be inserted";
$csv = 'filename.csv';

*function to vlookup $name in $csv, get column 2 value and pipe to $email* 

echo $email;

Can anyone suggest a function that can accomplish the above?

Thank you

like image 998
MrGoodBytes Avatar asked May 28 '15 06:05


2 Answers

$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file('test.csv'));
foreach($csv as $values)
  if($values[0]==$findName)   // index 0 contains the name
    echo $values[1];          // index 1 contains the email  

Please note that the indexes used in this answer are specific to the csv format you gave. You will have to adjust the indexes if format changes.

like image 166
Hanky Panky Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Hanky Panky



// Function Definition
function getEmailFromCSV($csv_name, $name) {
$file = fopen($csv_name, "r");

while (!feof($file)) {
    $arr = fgetcsv($file);
    if ($arr[0] == $name) {
        echo $arr[1];

// Function Calling
getEmailFromCSV('abc.csv', 'John');

// Input : John
// Output : john@domain1.com

like image 34
Priyranjan Singh Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Priyranjan Singh