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PHP check file exists without knowing the extension

I need to check if a file exists but I don't know the extension.

IE I would like to do:

if(file_exists('./uploads/filename')):  // do something endif; 

Of course that wont work as it has no extension. the extension will be either jpg, jpeg, png, gif

Any ideas of a way of doing this without doing a loop ?

like image 355
Lee Avatar asked Jul 21 '10 20:07


People also ask

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The file_exists() function checks whether a file or directory exists.

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The file_exists() function in PHP is an inbuilt function which is used to check whether a file or directory exists or not. The path of the file or directory you want to check is passed as a parameter to the file_exists() function which returns True on success and False on failure.

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exists(): Returns true if and only if the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname exists; false otherwise. Files.

2 Answers

You would have to do a glob():

$result = glob ("./uploads/filename.*"); 

and see whether $result contains anything.

like image 95
Pekka Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09


I've got the same need, and tried to use glob but this function seems to not be portable :

See notes from http://php.net/manual/en/function.glob.php :

Note: This function isn't available on some systems (e.g. old Sun OS).

Note: The GLOB_BRACE flag is not available on some non GNU systems, like Solaris.

It also more slower than opendir, take a look at : Which is faster: glob() or opendir()

So I've made a snippet function that does the same thing :

function resolve($name) {     // reads informations over the path     $info = pathinfo($name);     if (!empty($info['extension'])) {         // if the file already contains an extension returns it         return $name;     }     $filename = $info['filename'];     $len = strlen($filename);     // open the folder     $dh = opendir($info['dirname']);     if (!$dh) {         return false;     }     // scan each file in the folder     while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {         if (strncmp($file, $filename, $len) === 0) {             if (strlen($name) > $len) {                 // if name contains a directory part                 $name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - $len) . $file;             } else {                 // if the name is at the path root                 $name = $file;             }             closedir($dh);             return $name;         }     }     // file not found     closedir($dh);     return false; } 

Usage :

$file = resolve('/var/www/my-website/index'); echo $file; // will output /var/www/my-website/index.html (for example) 

Hope that could helps someone, Ioan

like image 30
Ioan Chiriac Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Ioan Chiriac