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PHP: Can I get the index in an array_map function?

I'm using a map in php like so:

function func($v) {     return $v * 2; }  $values = array(4, 6, 3); $mapped = array_map(func, $values); var_dump($mapped); 

Is it possible to get the index of the value in the function?

Also - if I'm writing code that needs the index, should I be using a for loop instead of a map?

like image 201
Ollie Glass Avatar asked May 03 '11 11:05

Ollie Glass

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What is the use of array_map in PHP?

The array_map() is an inbuilt function in PHP and it helps to modify all elements one or more arrays according to some user-defined condition in an easy manner. It basically, sends each of the elements of an array to a user-defined function and returns an array with new values as modified by that function.

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The array_key_exists() is an inbuilt function of PHP that is used to check whether a specific key or index is present inside an array or not. The function returns true if the specified key is found in the array otherwise returns false.

1 Answers

Sure you can, with the help of array_keys():

function func($v, $k) {     // key is now $k     return $v * 2; }  $values = array(4, 6, 3); $mapped = array_map('func', $values, array_keys($values)); var_dump($mapped); 
like image 182
Aron Rotteveel Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Aron Rotteveel