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PHP: array modifications that persist beyond the scope of a foreach loop

How can I add a new key/value pair to an existing array inside of nested foreach loops and have that pair persist outside the scope of the loops?

        one, two, skip a few...
        $urls is an associative array with 
        database indices as keys and 
        URLs as values

    foreach ($urls as $url_hsh)
        $feed_id = $url_hsh[0];
        $url     = $url_hsh[1];

        echo $feed_id . "<br/>" . $url . "<br/>"; // works as expected

        $rss = fetch_rss($url); // from 'magpierss/rss_fetch.inc' above

        foreach ($rss->items as $item)
            $item['feed_id'] = $feed_id;
            echo $item['feed_id'] . "<br/>"; // works as expected

        foreach ($rss->items as $item)
            echo $item['feed_id'] . "<br/>"; // nuthin..... 


like image 951
Thomas G Henry Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 20:01

Thomas G Henry

1 Answers

If I understand correctly, what you want is this (for the first loop):

foreach ($rss->items as &$item) {

The & will make $item be a reference, and any changes you make to it will be reflected in $rss->items

like image 147
Paolo Bergantino Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 15:02

Paolo Bergantino