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PHP 7.4.1 - PECL is not working (Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in PEAR/REST.php on line 181) [closed]




Since PHP 7.4.1 there is pear error with the newest version even though they said its fixed.

Example: if you try to install any package using the "pecl" a warning error returns with the message:

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in PEAR/REST.php on line 187
    PHP Notice:  Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /usr/share/php/PEAR/REST.php on line 187

The repositories have already been updated, but the problem persists

like image 361
Shadow Avatar asked Jan 13 '20 16:01


2 Answers

I met the same issue.

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in REST.php on line 181

PEAR Version: 1.10.1
PHP Version: 7.4.1 
Zend Engine Version: 3.4.0 
Running on: Darwin kairee-mbp 19.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.2.0

    function useLocalCache($url, $cacheid = null)
        if (!is_array($cacheid)) {
            $cacheid = $this->getCacheId($url);

        $cachettl = $this->config->get('cache_ttl');
        // If cache is newer than $cachettl seconds, we use the cache!
        if (time() - $cacheid['age'] < $cachettl) {
            return $this->getCache($url);

        return false;

     * @param string $url
     * @return bool|mixed
    function getCacheId($url)
        $cacheidfile = $this->config->get('cache_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
            md5($url) . 'rest.cacheid';

        if (!file_exists($cacheidfile)) {
            return false;

        $ret = unserialize(implode('', file($cacheidfile)));
        return $ret;

You may notice that when the cached file not exists, getCacheId will return false. In line 181, the code if (time() - $cacheid['age'] < $cachettl) { is trying to access array offset on false.

I add a condition to this line to fix it:

        // If cache is newer than $cachettl seconds, we use the cache!
-       if (time() - $cacheid['age'] < $cachettl) {
+       if ($cacheid && time() - $cacheid['age'] < $cachettl) {
            return $this->getCache($url);
like image 38
Kairee Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09


I had the same issue and creating the temporary pear cache directory solved it.

mkdir -p /tmp/pear/cache
like image 104
Kevin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09
