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PHP 5.3.1 not loading php_oci8.dll on Windows

I'm trying to load the oracle extension on php but im having the error:

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\Program Files\xampp\php\ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. in Unknown on line 0

I have done so far:

  1. Included on windows path the the fullpath of oracle instant client
  2. on php.ini, the extension_dir is pointing to the right place
  3. on php.ini extension=php_oci8.dll is ok
  4. restarted the apache, and nothing works.
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thclpr Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 13:10


People also ask

How to load oci8 extension in PHP?

The OCI8 extension can be added to an existing PHP installation by using the » PECL repository. When prompted, enter either the value of $ORACLE_HOME , or instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib . Make sure the php. ini directive extension_dir is set to the directory that oci8.so was installed in.

3 Answers

Problem solved by copying the files orannzsbb11.dll , oci.dll and oraociei11.dll to c:\windows\system32

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thclpr Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11


I solved this problem by adding "C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3\ext" to my Windows PATH environment variable. You'll just have to remember to change the path if you upgrade PHP. I think this is better than copying dlls which could lead to issues down the road if you end up with multiple dlls with different versions on the same machine.

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Dwayne Driskill Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11

Dwayne Driskill

You will need to download Oracle Instant client from this hyperlink http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html . Add the path to the instant client on the user environment vriables and the system variables.

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Hidaya Sekkal Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11

Hidaya Sekkal