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Photoshop eyedropper automatically copy color



Is there an option or something that I can do to automatically copy color (hex) picked from eyedropper in CS6?

like image 759
tehn Avatar asked Feb 10 '13 18:02


1 Answers

Please find below steps, basically you need to define keyboard shortcut

  1. Pick color using eyedropper it will appear as foreground color

  2. Goto Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > " Shortcuts for " select drop down, select "Panel Menus"

  3. Scroll down to panel menu command to open "color"

  4. Inside Copy colors hex code you can specify shortcut example Shift + Ctrl + 1 press OK

  5. Now press that shortcut and hit ctrl + v in notepad or favorite text editor

like image 171
Pravin W Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10

Pravin W