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Phonegap - How to open external link inside the app




I'm stuck. I'm working on a iOS phonegap app. On my homepage I have a link

<a href="http://www.mysite.com/file/news.html" rel="external" target="_system"><IMAGE></a>

And I have also added *mysite.com into the Cordova.plist (ExternalHosts).

But when I click on the link it will open up a browser and link me to that page. I have tried target="_self", but it doesn't work. How to make it open the page within the app itself?

like image 930
NOOPA Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 04:04


1 Answers

You can push it to browser using this javascript snip,


Even if you have inAppBrowser installed, this will take you to browser..

If you wish to open the link inside your app, you need below snippet,

var onInApp = window.open('http://paymentpage.com', '_blank', 'location=no,hidden=yes,closebuttoncaption=Done,toolbar=no');

make sure that you added cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser plugin..

like image 66
Vinith Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09
