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Phil Sturgeon’s Template Library with Theme Issue

Even though PyroCMS is an excellent CMS to use and I highly recommend anybody and everybody using when the situation grants it.

However, my situation calls for a custom CMS that just has quite a bit of differences that I am instead developing mine with the use of some of the libraries I see out there that are free to use. The main one I am currently working with right now is Phil Sturgeon’s Template library.

Now since obviously he uses it for PyroCMS I am trying to match up as close to a file structure as he does with that so that the template system will flow smoothly without any issues.

I am currently in a quandary right now because I have my login form is not finding a partial and I’m not quite sure why. When my dashboard calls the metadata partial it loads it up just fine but something is amidst and is not loading it when I call it in the login form.

Here is my current login controller, login form view, and the file structure to ensure it is set up properly.

if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Login extends Backend_Controller 
    public function __construct()

public function index()


    <!-- metadata needs to load before some stuff -->
    <?php file_partial('metadata'); ?>


        supr(my custom theme from template)/

Any ideas from anyone?

like image 574
Kevin Smith Avatar asked Oct 06 '22 02:10

Kevin Smith

1 Answers

In your controller:

    ->set_partial('metadata', 'partials/metadata.php')

note the added call to set_partial.

In your view:

<?php echo $template['partials']['metadata']; ?>
like image 51
bradym Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10
