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Personal Website Construction [closed]

I'm currently trying to build a personal website to create a presence on the web for myself. My plan is to include content such as my resume, any projects that I have done on my own and links to open source projects that I have contributed to, and so on. However, I'm not sure which approach would be better from a perspective of "advertising" myself, since that what this site does, especially since I am a software developer.

Should I use an out-of-the-box system and extend it as needed, with available modules and custom modules where needed or should I custom build a site and all of its features as I need them? Does a custom site look better in the eyes of a potential employer who might visit my site?

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Thomas Owens Avatar asked Aug 13 '08 14:08

Thomas Owens

People also ask

Why is my website showing under construction?

A website that's in Under Construction mode shows a message explaining that the site is currently unavailable. All the other pages are hidden to visitors during this time, so the owner can edit their website content and design behind the scenes, then publish their full site again when it's ready.

Is it worth building a personal website?

Having a personal website helps you acquire new skills. Moreover, you'll learn how to craft the content that tells everyone what you're all about. Not only will you know how to engage your visitors, but you'll also learn how to be more visible on social media and how to promote your site.

What do you call a website under construction?

Under construction pages – or 're-design' or 'we'll be back in two weeks' or any variation – should never be used on your website. Typically, they're used when a website is still being built, has been taken down for a re-design or on sections that haven't quite been finished.

2 Answers

I've toyed with this idea in the past but I don't think it's really a good idea for a number of reasons. Firstly, there are a number of places that can take care of most of this without you needing to do the work or maintenance. Just signing up for a linkedIn account for example will allow you to get most of your needs catered for in this regard. You can create your resume there and bio information etc and make it publicly viewable. The other issue with your "own site" is that if you don't update it often, the information gets stale, and worse yet, people have no reason to go back because "nothing has changed" - and that's not much of an advert for you is it?

Now that I've said all that, I'll make another recommendation. Why not start a blog instead?! If you've got decent experience, why not share that. I'd be willing to bet that this will be the best advert for your skills because:

  1. It's always updated (if you post often)
  2. It's not like you're looking for work doing it - but your (future) employer, or their developers will check it out anyway to get a better insight into your character.
  3. Putting something on your resume doesn't mean you can do it. I'm not saying that you'd lie about your skills :-), but there's no argument about your ability when you're writing articles about the stuff, getting comments and feedback, and better yet, learning EVEN MORE about your passions.

Best of all - you can run your blog from your chosen domain and also point to your resume that is stored in linkedIn. Just an idea...

That's my two pennys worth on that - hope it helps you come to a decision!

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RobertTheGrey Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09


If you are a web-specific developer I would go with a custom site, but if you focus more on desktop applications or backend technologies, I think an out of the box system would be fine.

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Ryan Ahearn Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Ryan Ahearn