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Persistent ssh session to Cisco router

I have search on this site and multiple other locations but I have been unable to resolve my problem of connecting and maintaining ssh session after one command. Below is my current code:


import os  

import pexpect

import paramiko

import hashlib

import StringIO

while True:

      cisco_cmd = raw_input("Enter cisco router cmd:")

      ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()


      ssh.connect('', username='nuts', password='cisco', timeout =  30)

      stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cisco_cmd)

      print stdout.read()


      if  cisco_cmd == 'exit': break

I can run multiple commands but for every commands a new ssh session is created. The above program does not work when I need to configuration mode because ssh session is not reused.Any assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.

like image 480
msudi Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 20:03


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1 Answers

I used Exscript instead of paramiko and I am now able to get persistent session on IOS device.

import hashlib
import Exscript

from Exscript.util.interact import read_login
from Exscript.protocols import SSH2

account = read_login()              # Prompt the user for his name and password
conn = SSH2()                       # We choose to use SSH2
conn.connect('')     # Open the SSH connection
conn.login(account)                 # Authenticate on the remote host
conn.execute('conf t')              # Execute the "uname -a" command
conn.execute('interface Serial1/0')
conn.execute('ip address')
conn.execute('no shutdown')
conn.execute('sh run int Serial1/0')
print conn.response

conn.execute('show ip route')
print conn.response

conn.send('exit\r')                 # Send the "exit" command
conn.close()                        # Wait for the connection to close
like image 124
msudi Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10
