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Persistent authorisation for mounting Google Drive in Google Colab [duplicate]

I'm using Google Colab and need to restart my notebook at least once a day due to their usage limits.

To mount my Google Drive I have the following code:

from google.colab import drive

I then get a prompt:

Go to this URL in a browser: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=xxxxxxxxx....

Enter your authorization code: ___________________________________________________

How can I authorise only once and have that authorisation remembered?

Ideally, that authorisation will have already happened as I'm signed in to Gmail and I can just specify the account email address of the Drive to mount.

However any solution of persistent authorisation where I don't store the auth code in the notebook would be great.

like image 896
Tom Hale Avatar asked Dec 12 '18 22:12

Tom Hale

People also ask

How do I permanently mount Google Drive in Colab?

Automatically mounting to your Drive files is now supported for Colab notebooks which aren't shared by multiple people. To enable this for a notebook, create a new Drive notebook, open the file browser, and click the 'Mount Drive' button.

What are the limitations of Google Colab?

Colab Pro limits RAM to 32 GB while Pro+ limits RAM to 52 GB. Colab Pro and Pro+ limit sessions to 24 hours. Colab Pro does not provide background execution, while Pro+ does. Colab Pro and Pro+ do not offer a full version of JupyterLab.

How long can I use Google colab for free?

Also, runtimes are longer in the pro version and instances are connected for up to 24 hours. In the free version, runtimes are limited to 12 hours and RAM is also limited to 16 GB.

1 Answers

You can't set it to only authenticate once and stay that way for a new runtime, because Colab runs on a VM that is recycled periodically. You can make sure force_remount is set to False so it doesn't unnecessarily ask you to reauthorize:

drive.mount('/content/gdrive', force_remount=False)

But any time you reset the runtime, you will need to reauthenticate with a different authorization code.

like image 121
ambitiousdonut Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
